Birmingham’s Frankfurt Christmas Market is hiring!

We are looking for staff across a range of stalls to work alongside our team from Germany. We are recruiting for both full and part time positions, and while previous experience is a plus, it isn’t a requirement as training will be given. So, whatever kind of role or hours you are looking for, we can find a position that fits you.

We are looking for Bar Staff to work on our busy stalls serving authentic German beers and wines. If you’re friendly and good at engaging with the public, we would like to hear from you!

We are also looking for Catering Assistants (Food stall assistants), across a wide range of stalls. From Bratwurst to chocolate covered fruit, and from Bratkartoffeln to Strudel, if you like serving up a feast, this could be the role for you.

Ever dreamed you were a kid in a candy store – well you could be a Gift / Craft Stall Assistant on one of our stalls selling herbal sweets, Schockoküsse or other sweet treats. Or perhaps you are good with handcrafts. Just some of the Christmas goodies on offer on our stalls.

Finally, if you would prefer to help us run things behind the scenes with our back of house team, there are also positions for you. Roles such as Kitchen Assistants, Kitchen Porters and Glasswashers are vital to keeping the market running, so we are sure that whoever you are, there will be a role that suits you!

With pay starting from £11 per hour, this is great time to jump onboard, with interviews starting from Monday 11th September. So, if you’re interested, please complete the form below and we’ll get back to you to find you a place in our team!


1 Step 1

Online application

Have you worked at Birmingham’s Frankfurt Christmas Market previously?
Are you over 18?
Do you have any experience working in sales, retail or hospitality?
Shift Availability
Is this maximum subject to a restriction. (for any reason)
Which roles are you interested in
Is there any product that you cannot work with?
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions or any criminal proceedings pending against you?
If you are invited to attend an interview, do you require any special adjustments to be made?
GDPR Agreement